GORDON COUNTY SCHOOLS RECEIVES VISION AWARD (CALHOUN, GEORGIA) – The Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL) has recognized Gordon County Schools as a recipient of the 2022-2023 GAEL Vision Award. The Vision Award is presented to school districts in five categories based upon their commitment to encouraging and supporting teachers, principals, and district office staff in professional learning. “Learning is a lifelong process. In order for us to do the best for our students, we all must continue to grow professionally. For this reason, Gordon County Schools places an emphasis on professional learning opportunities for all of our staff members," says Dr. Kimberly Fraker, Superintendent. The Vision Award was presented during the GAEL Winter Conference, January 22-24, in Athens. Pictured on behalf of the system are Gordon County Schools’ principals: Amy Beason, Kelly Rampy, Shelly Allen, Debra Brock, Sket Angland, Monica Holt, Rebecca Champion, Amy Stewart, Justin Timms, and Tara Green. Not pictured- Brian Hall.
almost 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
group holding a banner
Parents: Check out the Helping Students Learn Newsletter for March. https://www.gcbe.org/o/rbms/page/parent-family-engagement-newsletter
almost 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Helping Children Learn
8th Grade Parent Meeting Thursday, February 9, 2023 6:30 PM There will be a short presentation on what 9th grade will look like for your student and what electives are available. Students will also have a chance to talk to the elective teachers and get a feel for what their class is about. See you there!
almost 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Flyer for Upcoming 9th graders.
Gordon County School's Nutrition Department does a great job feeding our students each and every day! Check out their latest newsletter! https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/2487/GCS/2733202/Newsletter_Winter_2023_Vol_3_Issue_3.pdf
almost 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Title Picture that says Gordon Nutrition News
RBMS students represented Gordon County Schools at the NWGA Area Technology Competition held at Georgia Highlands campus in Rome on Friday, January 27th. Paityn Goldston, Ellie Wofford, Keegan Angel, Chloe Renner, Lucca McDougle, Kirsten Culvey, Lilly Friday, Madison Ensley, Ashlyn Martinez, Angelina Jasso, Sky Mahon, Kaleb King, and Benjamin Billera all represented RBMS very well in different categories of the competition. Lucca McDougle won 1st in Animation in the 7th/8th grade category and will advance to state. Kirsten Culvey and Lilly Friday worked as a team and placed 1st as well in the Graphic Design category and will advance to state. Congratulations goes out to all of these students for working so hard on their projects and for representing our school district!
almost 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Students sitting on bleachers
two girls holding a poster
girl standing with 1st place medal around her neck
four girls holding red shirts
Events of the week at RBMS.
almost 2 years ago, Rachel Carter
calendar of events
PARENT & FAMILY ENGAGEMENT TIP OF THE WEEK: Use real world examples to teach math at home. Point out ways that people use math every day to pay bills, balance their checkbooks, figure out their net earnings, make change, and tip at restaurants. Involve older children in projects that incorporate geometric and algebraic concepts like planting a garden, building a bookshelf, or figuring how long it will take to drive to your family vacation destination. Visit www.gcbe.org/pfe to learn more about GCS Parent & Family Engagement today. #GoCoSchools #GETGCS #OneBIGFamily
almost 2 years ago, Gordon County Schools
Use real world examples to teach math at home.  Point out ways that people use math every day to pay bills, balance their checkbooks, figure out their net earnings, make change, and tip at restaurants. Involve older children in projects that incorporate geometric and algebraic concepts like planting a garden, building a bookshelf, or figuring how long it will take to drive to your family vacation destination.
Parents: Do you need some fun ideas for family engagement this winter? If so, check out the attached flyer!
almost 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Paragraphs about family engagement
Check out what is happening at The Bud this week!
almost 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Calendar of events
Congratulations to 6th grader, Ni Cuai, for representing RBMS at the 2023 District Spelling Bee! We are proud of you! Ni is shown with Gordon Co. Schools Superintendent, Dr. Kimberly Fraker.
almost 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Two women standing next to each other
Congratulations to the Red Bud Middle School Young GA Author Winners for 2023! The student entries will move to the system level competition later this month. Grade level winners are: 6th Grade: Lucille Billera 7th Grade: Brexton Camp 8th Grade: Pippa McKinney
almost 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Students standing against wall
Members of Red Bud Middle's Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) recently competed at the region level and did very well in their competitive events. *Seth Carr placed 1st in Mission and Pledge and will be advancing to the state competition in February. *Preslie Parish placed 1st in Public Speaking and will be advancing to the state competition in February. *Madeline Anglin placed 1st and Nic Dutton placed 2nd in Digital Citizenship. *Madison Ensley placed 1st and Preslie Parish placed 4th in Leadership. *Lucca McDougle placed 1st in Learning Strategies. *Nic Dutton placed 1st in Social Media Concepts. *Seth Carr placed 3rd and Madison Ensley placed 4th in Business Etiquette. *Lucca McDougle placed 4th in Career Exploration. *Madeline Anglin placed 5th in Exploring Computer Science. *Red Bud Middle FBLA also received 3rd place for "Largest Chapter in Region." Front Row: Lucca McDougle, Preslie Parish and Madison Ensley Back Row: Madeline Anglin, Nic Dutton and Seth Carr
almost 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Students standing on steps
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen by their teachers to receive the RBMS Reaching Beyond Award for the 2nd nine weeks. Kyleigh Allen, Ava Blevins, Logan Broome- not pictured, Minh Bui, Ava Buice, Skyler Burns- not pictured, Kirra Carroll- not pictured, Neela Childress, Weston Clements- not pictured, Ethan Cochran, Destini Coots, Jerry Corodo-Guevara, Glendi Craig, Ni Cuai- not pictured, Raye Davis, Nic Dutton, Kimberlynn Evans, Tatum Fong, Rylee Ford, Paityn Goldston, Lakelin Hall, Aubree Holder Owen Hughes, Jennie Jenkins, Nathaniel Jenkins, Alayna Lovingood, Lucas Martin, Izzy McBee, Hadlee McNeese, Riley Miller- not pictured, Sarai Moran Anguiano, Jacob Nelson- not pictured, Riley Owczarz, Rose Par, Julia Patterson, Dylon Patterson, Megyn Rampy, Kallie Rogers, Aaron Romero, Zaara Shad, Ethen Smith, Abby Smith, Stetson Stuart, Ella Walraven, Payton Wilbanks- not pictured Ellie Wofford
almost 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Group of Students
This week at The Bud.
almost 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Calendar of Events
🚨🚨DELAYED DISMISSAL ANNOUNCEMENT🚨🚨 Due to inclement weather, Gordon County Schools will be delaying student release today, January 12th, by approximately 30 minutes. The Afterschool Program (ASP) at our elementary schools will operate as normal. Please continue to monitor the Gordon County Schools website, all social media handles, and notifications received from the mass notification system for the most up to date information.
almost 2 years ago, Gordon County Schools
Delayed Dismissal Announcement
Hat Day Friday, February 13 $1.00 Supports RBMS FBLA
almost 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Hat Day Sign
Congratulations to RBMS 8th grader, Bryson Sitten, for earning a spot in the 2023 Georgia Music Educators Association All-State Band! Bryson auditioned against other middle school musicians from across the state and was one of only 20 middle school trombone players to earn a spot in this prestigious group. He is also the first student from Red Bud Middle School to make the All-State Band. In March, Bryson will travel to Athens to participate in this event! Way to go Bryson!
almost 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Boy holding trombone
Baseball Tryouts will be February 1 and 2 from 3:45-5:45 at the RBMS baseball field. Optional workout for 6th and 7th grades will be on Monday, January 30 and optional workout for 8th grade will be on Tuesday, January 31. Optional workouts will be from 3:45-5:00. See Coach Forrest, Coach Robbins, or Coach Coots with any questions. And as always, please remember that you must be academically eligible and have a physical on file before trying out for any sport.
about 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Baseball Tryout Post
RBMS Tennis Tryouts will be January 17 for boys and January 18 for girls.
about 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Tennis tryout information
Here’s the first weekly event calendar of 2023 for RBMS.
about 2 years ago, Rachel Carter
Weekly calendar