We are looking forward to seeing you this summer! All Mobile routes will start at 11am and run to 1pm- times will vary on their arrive to their designated stop!
**LISTEN for the HONKING Horns and look for School buses or Vans.
Parents/guardians, find out where your child/children can get healthy, daily meals this summer. There are multiple programs that offer summer meals at no cost. Check all these sources to see if there is a meal distribution site in your area. Those who are looking for summer meal sites can easily find locations through their cell phone or online. Options include:
* Text “FOODGA” to 877877 from a mobile phone beginning June 1 and be provided geographically based results on the closest sites.
* Visit GeorgiaFoodBankAssociation.org for a GPS-enabled map of the closet sites.
* Dial 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479) to find locations.
* https://www.fns.usda.gov/meals4kids
Any student interested in running cross country for RBMS next year can sign up for the summer workout Remind by texting @redbudxc to 81010.
On Wednesday, RBMS 8th grade students celebrated the end of middle school with pizza and dodgeball!
Honors Day Times
Tuesday, May 23
6th Grade: 9:00 AM
7th Grade: 1:00 PM
Wednesday, May 24
8th Grade: 9:30 AM
Invitations will be sent to students who will be receiving an award.
Congratulations to the following girls on making the RBMS volleyball team!
Purity Busie, Amiyah Carter, Karly Cohea, Candence Davis, Veronica Haddox, Emery Knight, Macy Lusk, Brynn Massengill, Sarai Moran, Preslie Parish, Hunter Pickrell, & Chloe Waters
Elizabeth Cady, Brylee Cordell, Ni Cuai, Alli Guyton, Paityn Goldston, Rose Par, & Itzel Rebollar
RBMS Parents and Guardians: If your child is turning 15 over the summer and plans to test for their learner's license, they are required to show a certificate of attendance from the school. Please scan the QR code to request this now as no one will be available to process this over the summer.
All library books are due back to the RBMS Media Center by Friday, May 12!
Congratulations to RBMS 7th grader, Seth Carr, for winning the Ga State FFA Middle School Record Book competition. Seth was awarded for accurately logging hours he operated, maintained, and repaired equipment on his family farm. He had to submit his goals, accomplishments, and skills learned through this experience and was awarded last week on the stage in front of more than 6000 FFA members.
This week, Red Bud Middle welcomed our upcoming 6th grade students for orientation. 5th grade students from Fairmount, Belwood, Sonoraville and Red Bud Elementary schools toured the RBMS campus and learned more about what to expect in middle school. We look forward to these students joining us next school year!
Congratulations to our teacher and staff member for the month of March!
Donald Casey – Mr. Casey is a veteran teacher who is constantly adjusting his instruction to best meet the needs of all students, has served on various committees, helps staff with all technology needs without hesitation, builds great relationships with students, and can brighten anyone’s day with his remarkable sense of humor and sarcasm.
Maliyah Peace – Maliyah has been an amazing addition to our family here at RBMS and works exceptionally hard in the classes she works in to make sure that students succeed. She also works very hard to help coach our ladies' basketball team, making an effort to give back to the programs that she loved so much as a student herself.
This week at RBMS...
Parents: Spring Standardized Testing is May 1-17. See the included testing calendar for your child's specific testing days. Let’s work together and make your child’s experience positive and successful!
Here are some suggestions you can do to help every day:
✔ Ensure your child arrives to school on time each day.
✔ Have your child eat a healthy breakfast at home or at school. Remember: School breakfast is currently free for all students.
✔ Ensure your child gets a good night’s sleep.
✔ Encourage them to do their best.
Please note: All electronic devices—smart phones, smart watches, wireless earbuds, etc.—should be left at home. Any item brought to school must be powered off and turned into the homeroom teacher.
Spring Break April 3-7
Tryouts for the RBMS 2023-2024 cheer season will be Wednesday, April 19 at RBMS. Please visit the RBMS website for more information. You MUST have a current physical to tryout. Go Phoenix!
April middle school lunch and breakfast menus.
Last week 89 seventh grade students were inducted in the National Junior Beta Club. In order to be chosen for induction students must maintain a 90 or above core-class average, perform 10 hours of community service each year, and maintain an appropriate attendance and behavior record. Congratulations to these fine students. We are so proud of you and how you represent our school motto of Reaching Beyond and Motivating for Success. Go Phoenix! ❤️
8th Grade Dance
When- Saturday, April 15th
Time- 6:00-8:00 pm
Location- RBMS Cafeteria
Admission Cost- $20 per student. Tickets must be purchased in advance. More information will be sent home with students.
Dress for the event will be “Sunday Best dress”. Formal attire will not be required.
Gordon County Schools (GCS) is pleased to announce the 2023-24 School Teachers of the Year Winners.
In the spring semester each school year, each GCS school is asked to select its own Teacher of the Year using nominations received from fellow staff members and community stakeholders. All school-level winners then become eligible to compete for the honor of being named the Gordon County Schools System Teacher of the Year.
The annual system-wide competition is judged by a panel of community partners, retired educators, and system leadership based on applications submitted by school-level winners and classroom observations.
Three system finalists will be announced the week of March 27th and the 2023-24 Gordon County Schools System Teacher of the Year will be announced at the annual banquet tentatively scheduled for May 2nd. The winner of the system-wide honor will represent Gordon County Schools on the state level for the Georgia Teacher of the Year competition.
Gordon County Schools 2022-23 School-Level Teachers of the Year:
Ashworth Middle: Judson Peacock
Belwood Elementary: Brenda Gilmor
Fairmount Elementary: Christy Smith
Gordon Central High: Neal Crawford
Red Bud Elementary: Brooke Cigainero
Red Bud Middle: Jacqueline Cascio
Sonoraville Elementary: Heidi Murphy
Sonoraville High: Carmelita Everett
Tolbert Elementary: Cathy Musacchio
W.L. Swain Elementary: India Bennett
Learn more about the 2023-24 School-Level Teachers of the Year by visiting www.gcbe.org/2023-24teacheroftheyear
#GoCoSchools #GETGCS #OneBIGFamily
Next week students will begin leaving their iPad and chargers at school in order to ensure everything is ready for state testing. If your child has lost the block and/or cable they were given with their iPad, replacements MUST be purchased. You may send exact cash, check made payable to the school, or pay online. The accessories are $19.00 EACH. That's $38.00 for both the block and cable. The link to purchase online is as follows: https://gcbe.revtrak.net/central-office/#/list
This past week 8th grade students from RBMS visited the Okefenokee Swamp, the Prohibition Museum, River Street in Savannah, the First African Baptist Church, the Savannah History Center, Old Fort Jackson, the Pirates’ House Restaurant, Andersonville POW Museum, the Little Drummer Boy Museum, the Coca Cola Space Science Center, the National Infantry Museum, and other landmarks of historical significance all throughout Georgia.