Gordon County Schools, in collaboration with local safety officials, is closely monitoring weather conditions expected for this afternoon. We stand ready to alter today’s dismissal in the interest of student and staff safety. Should an official change of schedule (delay, early dismissal, etc.) be warranted, we will notify staff and families via our website, all social media handles, mass notification system, and share information with local media outlets.
almost 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
inclement weather announcment
GORDON COUNTY SCHOOLS ANNOUNCES 2023 STAR STUDENTS & TEACHERS CALHOUN, GA – Two Gordon County Schools students have been named as 2023 PAGE STAR Students. Congratulations to Catherine Hughes from Gordon Central High and Stephen Kellogg from Sonoraville High. These students and their STAR Teachers were recognized by the Gordon County Board of Education during its February meeting. Catherine Hughes is the daughter of Alan and Renee Hughes. Catherine has maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout her high school career and was recently named valedictorian of her graduating class. Catherine is actively involved in the Gordon Central Performing Arts Program, earning a GHSA Championship last year for International Extemporaneous Speech, as well as a Schuler Award for Featured Performance her sophomore year. Catherine was chosen to participate in the Governor’s Honors Program in Social Studies her sophomore year and participated in Georgia Girls’ State as a junior, serving as president of the Senate. Catherine has selected Connie Worley, Spanish teacher at Gordon Central High School, as her STAR teacher. Stephen Kellogg is the son of Erin Collins and Brian Kellogg. He has maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout high school, has been named the valedictorian of the 2023 graduating class of Sonoraville High School, and is the district STAR student for Gordon County Schools. Stephen is planning to enter the medical field after high school. He is currently enrolled in CNA certification courses through Chattahoochee Technical College and volunteers his time at the Helping Hands Clinic of Gordon County. Stephen has selected Ashley Brookshire from Sonoraville High School as his STAR teacher. The PAGE Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program, now in its 65th year, is sponsored, administered, and promoted by the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE) and the PAGE Foundation. Since its creation, the STAR program has honored nearly 29,000 students and the teachers they have selected as having had the most influence on their academic achievement. To obtain the 2023 STAR nomination, graduating high school seniors must have the highest score on a single test date on the SAT and be in the top 10 percent or top 10 students of their class based on grade point average. STAR begins each year in participating high schools throughout Georgia when the STAR Student is named and chooses a STAR Teacher to share in this recognition. The students and their teachers are honored by their schools and receive special recognition in their communities from one of the more than 170 statewide civic organizations and businesses that serve as local sponsors of the STAR program. Students then compete for school system titles, and those winners compete for region honors. Region Winners compete for the honor of being named State PAGE STAR Student. STAR Teachers continue with their STAR Students at every level of the program. ### About Gordon County Schools Gordon County Schools system serves approximately 6,500 students in schools across the county including six elementary schools, two middle schools, and two high schools. The mission of the Gordon County School system is to build a collaborative culture that engages all students and staff in learning experiences leading to growth, empowerment, and transformation. Contact at Gordon County Schools Kendra Pannell Communications Coordinator Email: kpannell@gcbe.org Phone: (706) 629-7366 ext. 8151 Website: www.gcbe.org
almost 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
group picture with teachers and students and BOE
GORDON COUNTY SCHOOLS RECEIVES VISION AWARD (CALHOUN, GEORGIA) – The Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL) has recognized Gordon County Schools as a recipient of the 2022-2023 GAEL Vision Award. The Vision Award is presented to school districts in five categories based upon their commitment to encouraging and supporting teachers, principals, and district office staff in professional learning. “Learning is a lifelong process. In order for us to do the best for our students, we all must continue to grow professionally. For this reason, Gordon County Schools places an emphasis on professional learning opportunities for all of our staff members," says Dr. Kimberly Fraker, Superintendent. The Vision Award was presented during the GAEL Winter Conference, January 22-24, in Athens. Pictured on behalf of the system are Gordon County Schools’ principals: Amy Beason, Kelly Rampy, Shelly Allen, Debra Brock, Sket Angland, Monica Holt, Rebecca Champion, Amy Stewart, Justin Timms, and Tara Green. Not pictured- Brian Hall.
almost 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
group holding a banner
GCHS Young Georgia Authors Writing Competition Winners The purpose of the Young Georgia Authors (YGA) writing competition is to encourage students to develop enthusiasm for and expertise in their writing, to provide a context to celebrate their writing successes, and to recognize student achievement in arts and academics. This prestigious competition has been engaging Georgia students for more than two decades and is open to any student currently enrolled in Georgia public schools, grades K -12. The competition is sponsored by the Georgia Language Arts Supervisors (GLAS) and the Georgia RESA Network with support from the Georgia Department of Education.
almost 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
YGA Winners
YGA Winners
Catherine Hughes of Gordon Central High School has been announced as the 2023 PAGE STAR Student. Catherine, the daughter of Alan and Renee Hughes, earned the recognition for academic achievement and performance on the SAT. Catherine selected Mrs. Connie Worley, Spanish teacher at Gordon Central High School, as her STAR Teacher. Catherine has maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout her high school career and is ranked in the top 10% of her class. Catherine is actively involved in the Gordon Central Performing Arts Program, earning a GHSA Championship last year for International Extemporaneous Speech, as well as a Shuler Award for Featured Performance her sophomore year. Catherine was chosen to participate in the Governor’s Honors Program in Social Studies her sophomore year and participated in Georgia Girls’ State as a junior, serving as president of the Senate. The Student Teacher Achievement Program (STAR) is sponsored, administered, and promoted by the Professional Association of Georgia Educators Foundation (PAGE) and the PAGE Foundation. Since its inception in 1958, the STAR program has honored more than 29,000 students and the teachers they have selected as having the most influence on their academic achievement. To obtain the STAR nomination, graduating high school seniors must have the highest score on a single test date on the SAT and be in the top 10 percent or top 10 students of their class based on grade point average. Catherine has selected Connie Worley, Spanish teacher at Gordon Central High School, as her STAR teacher. Catherine states that she chose Mrs. Worley because "her encouragement never fails to boost my confidence and she never lets me forget what I am capable of when I work hard." STAR begins each year in participating high schools throughout Georgia when the STAR student is named and chooses a STAR teacher to share in this recognition. The students and their teachers are honored by their schools and receive special recognition in their communities from one of the more than 172 statewide civic organizations and businesses that serve as local sponsors of the STAR program. Students then compete for school system titles, and those winners compete for region honors. Region winners contend for the honor of being named State PAGE STAR student. STAR Teachers continue on with their STAR Students at every level of the program. Gordon Central High School would like to congratulate both Catherine Hughes and Mrs. Connie Worley!
almost 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
Catherine Hughes and Mrs. Connie Worley
Remember to purchase your senior ads for the yearbook! Deadline is Jan. 15!
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
🚨🚨DELAYED DISMISSAL ANNOUNCEMENT🚨🚨 Due to inclement weather, Gordon County Schools will be delaying student release today, January 12th, by approximately 30 minutes. The Afterschool Program (ASP) at our elementary schools will operate as normal. Please continue to monitor the Gordon County Schools website, all social media handles, and notifications received from the mass notification system for the most up to date information.
about 2 years ago, Gordon County Schools
Delayed Dismissal Announcement
SENIORS-CLASS OF 2023! Important information for seniors can be found on the GC Counseling page of the Gordon Central website for topics such as Graduation Requirements, College Admission Testing, and Scholarships. You may use the link below: https://www.gcbe.org/o/gchs/page/counseling
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
Order your year book today!
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
Remember to purchase your senior ads for the yearbook! Deadline for ads are Jan. 15
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
January breakfast and lunch menus!
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
Students return Jan. 4!
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
Students return
Order your year book today!
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
Happy New Year!
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
Happy New Year!
Order your yearbook today!
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
Basketball this week!
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
Merry Christmas!
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
Christmas break
Order your yearbook today!
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
Wrestling this week!
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
Christmas/Winter Break!
about 2 years ago, Gordon Central High School
Christmas break