This week at RBMS.
about 2 years ago, Rachel Carter
weekly events
Fired Up Food Drive November 7-11 Any donations of nonperishable food items are greatly appreciated. The homeroom that collects the most items will win a pizza party.
about 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Fired Up Food Drive November 7-11
Veteran's Day Parade Friday, November 11, 2022 Line up 8:30-Parade 9:00 Veterans should line up in the football field parking area of campus off of Hunts Gin Rd. at 8:30 AM. The first 100 veterans will receive a complimentary goody bag.
about 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Veterans Day Parade
We encourage all members of our #OneBIGFamily community to complete the Gordon County Moving Forward Together Survey from our friends at the NW GA Regional Commission. This survey offers the opportunity for people that live or work in Gordon County to provide guidance about improving various aspects of our community. Link to survey: #GoCoSchools #GETGCS
about 2 years ago, Gordon County Schools
one big family logo inside of a cartoon house
RBMS Fall Dance Friday, November 4 3:45 to 5:00 in the gym. Tickets: $5.00 Concessions: $2.00 each. We hope to see everyone there!
about 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Fall Dance November 4
Congratulations to the RBMS Academic Team who are the 2022 region champions for the 2nd year in a row. Pippa McKinney led the team in the 1st round against Red Top with 5 tossups. RBMS advanced winning 270-100. In the semi-final round, Pippa McKinney led the team with 4 tossups against Cass Middle winning 185-95. In the final round, RBMS vs. Cartersville, Jet Johnston led the team to a 225-110 victory assisting with 4 tossups. All team members contributed to an outstanding season. Great teamwork and camaraderie were exhibited by everyone throughout the season. Way to go RBMS academic team. Go Phoenix!
about 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
RBMS Academic Team
Halloween Costume Fundraiser Sponsored by: RBMS Student Council Monday, October 31, 2022 $2.00 No weapons or full face masks
about 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Halloween Costume Fundraiser
Red Bud Middle School Chorus Awarded ‘Vibrant Communities’ Grant from Georgia Council for the Arts ATLANTA – October 20, 2022 — Red Bud Middle School Chorus, under the direction of Valerie Robbins, was awarded a Vibrant Communities grant from Georgia Council for the Arts, a strategic arm of the Georgia Department of Economic Development, for fiscal year 2023. The Vibrant Communities Grant supports a variety of arts programming opportunities throughout the state. As part of this year’s Vibrant Communities awards, 44 entities in 38 counties will receive almost $200,000 in funding. “Rarely has arts funding been more needed than it is today, so Georgia Council for the Arts is particularly grateful for the support that the Georgia General Assembly is providing for our arts communities to help them carry out their mission,” said Georgia Council for the Arts Director Tina Lilly. “We hear firsthand about what this assistance can mean to an organization and a community, and we’re pleased to know that it will touch the lives of so many Georgians.” Georgia Council for the Arts received applications from schools, libraries, cities, historical societies, community theatres, Boys & Girls Clubs, and arts and other related organizations from across the state. Entities that previously received a fiscal year 2023 Project, Bridge, or Arts Education grant, which were announced in August, were not eligible for Vibrant Communities grants. “RBMS Chorus will be presenting “The Little Mermaid, Jr.” in March 2023 and these funds will help tremendously as we transform our gym into a performing arts space by bringing in lighting and sound and curtains”, said Robbins. Funding for these grants is provided through appropriations from the Georgia General Assembly. A complete list of fiscal year 2023 grantees in these program areas can be found on the GCA website.
about 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
RBMS 8th grade chorus members
RBMS 8th graders, Kyleigh Allen, Carla Ramirez, Serenidy Wood and Gary Shamblin participated in the District 7 Honors Chorus on Monday, October 24, at Woodland High School. After a day of rehearsals, with over 300 students from around our district, they presented a concert Monday evening for family and friends. It was an amazing ending to an amazing day. Congratulations to these students for representing RBMS so well!!
about 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Carla Ramirez, Kyleigh Allen, Serenidy Wood and Gary Shamblin
Full Honor's Chorus
Participants having fun.
With the first 9 weeks of the school year coming to a close, life science students put themselves to the test by writing an essay and by designing a biome model for their major 9 weeks project. Students also swapped classes and rotated through the biome models while rating their peer’s work. All students had fun and did an amazing job with the 9 weeks assessment!
about 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Student holding grassland biome.
Student holding taiga biome.
students holding their biome projects
students rating biome projects
This week at RBMS…
about 2 years ago, Rachel Carter
Next week, October 24-28, is Red Ribbon Week! Red Bud Middle students are encouraged to participate in dress-up days in support of a drug-free lifestyle! The dress-up days are as follows: Monday: It’s Crazy to Do Drugs (wear crazy hair, socks, hat, etc.) Tuesday: Your Future will be Brighter without Drugs (wear bright colors) Wednesday: Phoenix are Proud to be Drug Free (community-wide wear red day) Thursday: Support Each Other and be Drug Free (twin day, dress like your friend) Friday: Phoenix Say Peace Out to Drugs (wear tie-dye, peace signs, or Phoenix wear)
about 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Dress-Up Calendar
RBMS Winter Sports Tryout Information Boys' Basketball: October 24th and 25th Girls' Basketball: October 26th and 27th All tryouts will be after school until 5:30. Wrestling: See Coach Bowers. First practice is Monday, Oct. 24th. All student athletes must have a current physical on file before tryouts.
about 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Winter Sports Information
Calendar of Events at RBMS
about 2 years ago, Rachel Carter
Gordon County Schools will be closed for Fall Break October 10-14. Have a safe and relaxing break! See you October 17!
over 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Fall Break
Congratulations to our Red Ribbon Week poster contest winner, Hayden Darnell! Hayden, pictured with art teacher Mrs. Martin, will be honored later this month by the Chamber of Commerce and Mannington Carpet. In addition to the annual Art Poster printing, the winning art from each school will be on display at the Harris Art Center where a reception will be held for students and their parents. Thank you for Reaching Beyond Hayden and representing your school so well!
over 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Red Ribbon Week Winner
The 7th grade Science Department recently worked hard with a new culminating activity called "The Mighty Termite"! Students have worked diligently this 9 weeks to better understand how organisms live in nature by studying ecology! Today's termite lab allowed students to show off their skills by using the scientific method to investigate how pheromones are used by some organisms to communicate. Their results showed that certain chemicals found in some ink pens mimic the pheromones naturally produced by termites which allows them to follow each other even though they were born with no eyes or very poor eyesight. Students also explained that termites are considered to be decomposers in a simple food chain and that they also have a symbiotic relationship with protists who live in the termite's gut which allows them to digest wood! The students ended class by drawing doodles and designs for the termites to follow with their ink pen! Hands-on science is so fun!
over 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Drawing of a termite
termite in Petri dish
Students exploring with termites.
Students experimenting with termites
The Powder Puff football game is coming to RBMS on Friday, October 28! Students who wish to play in the game or participate as a cheerleader need to turn in money by Tuesday, October 18. The fee is $20.00 and includes a t-shirt. Remember, spots are limited. 6th graders need to turn money in to Coach Evans on the 6th grade hall beside the band room and 7th and 8th graders need to turn in money to Mrs. Evans on the 7th grade hall upstairs.
over 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Powder Puff Football October 28
The RBMS ENGAGE Club recently traveled to North Whitfield Middle School and competed in the Regional Junior Model United Nations Conference. RBMS swept the competition, earning awards for Best Delegation — RBMS, Best Country — Lithuania, and Best Resolution — Poland. Abigail Mulkey earned individual recognition as the Best Delegate for the conference. This is a new club at RBMS and this was the first time they have competed. It is safe to say they excelled! We look forward to seeing what this club can accomplish in the future!
over 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Engage club members
The Calhoun-Gordon County Library always has fun activities for kids (and adults) of all ages. Check out the teen calendar for October!
over 2 years ago, Red Bud Middle School
Teen October Event Calendar