Welcome to a new semester and a new year! We are excited to see what 2022 has in store for our Gordon County Schools students, staff and community. #GoCoSchools #GETGCS
almost 3 years ago, Kendra Pannell
image of two people smiling while sitting at a table.  "Welcome Back" and the Gordon County Schools Logo
SAVE THE DATE: As we gear up for the second half of the school year, be sure to save all the upcoming important dates! (Click on the picture to view all upcoming dates!) #GoCoSchools #GETGCS
almost 3 years ago, Kendra Pannell
Important Dates, 2022: Jan 4: Staff Professional Learning Day, Student Holiday. January 5- Students return from Christmas Break. January 17- MLK Jr. Holiday. Feb 21-25, Winter Break (Schools Closed). March 18- Digital Learning Day. April 4-8: Spring break. May 25 - Last Day of School. May 26/27- Staff PL Day. May 30- Memorial Day. Gordon County Schools Logo. Find more on our website
We are excited to welcome our students back on Wednesday, January 5th! We wanted to share a few quick facts before our first day back: -We ask that students and staff members displaying symptoms of the Covid-19 illness please remain at home. -Students missing school due to a medically related absence will be marked as excused. Students will be able to complete their work through Schoology or make up missed assignments -Gordon County Schools will continue practicing mitigation measures including encouraging distancing when possible, practicing enhanced cleaning procedures of all rooms and buildings, limiting visitors, encouraging hand-washing, and making hand sanitizer available. -A detailed outline of the Gordon County Schools phases of mitigation can be found at https://www.gcbe.org/covidprotocols. -Gordon County Schools encourages you to follow the guidance from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and the DPH (Department of Public Health.) The latest information released from the Georgia DPH and the CDC can be found online at https://www.gcbe.org/coronavirus as well as links to additional Covid-19 resources. We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!!
almost 3 years ago, Kendra Pannell
GCS Logo. Picture of boy walking with a book bag. "Welcome Back Students"
The Gordon County Schools (GCS) Nutrition Program was awarded a $35,000 grant from Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign.
about 3 years ago, Gordon County Schools
No Kid Hungry - Share Our Strength Logo
The Gordon County Schools (GCS) Nutrition Program has been awarded a $35,000 grant from Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign.
about 3 years ago, Kendra Pannell
No Kid Hungry - Share Our Strength Logo