Parent Input Meeting
TOMORROW is the Pre-K enrollment deadline for the 2022-23 school year!
Make sure to get your enrollment applications in before it's too late!
To learn more about enrollment, visit
#GoCoSchools #GETGCS
The last day to purchase a yearbook is March 14th.
The 3rd students were given cabbage plants to grow at home from Bonnie Cabbage, with a chance to enter a scholarship for $1000.
March Newsletter
Dr. Seuss Week
Read Across America Week
February Newsletter
All hands on deck!
RBES assistant principal Mrs. Smith helping mop classrooms due to a custodian shortage.
Today is Try-it Tuesday! Our fruit is Kumquats. Kumquats are high in vitamin C, and A. They are a sweet but have a citrus tart burst of flavor. They are about the size of an olive or a medium sized grape. Kumquats are a mini sized orange athat have a rough outer layer.
When your eating a kumquat you can either eat it with or without the skin; but, it is usually eaten with the sweet skin. This gives a sweet and sour flavor. Kumquats are from Southern China and where known to the public in 1846-1850. Did you know that kumquats are used for decoration?!
If you were wondering, Kamquats can be made into jelly or jam but is usually made into a jam. You might think they are like little baby oranges but they are not that alike, unlike any baby orange the skin of the kumquat is edible. We hope that you enjoy this fruit for try it Tuesday!
Research and script by Emma O, Raegan H, and Stella G
Professional storyteller Mr. Allee did an Olaf program for our lower grade students today. They has so much fun!
Professional storyteller Mr. Allee did a fabulous presentation for our upper grade students today on Jackie Robinson and Branch Rickey.
Marynell McLendon represented RBES well by placing as runner up at the district spelling bee. Way to go Marynell!
Parent & Family Engagement is an ongoing process that increases active participation, communication, and collaboration between parents, schools, & communities to ensure student achievement & success.
Interested in learning more? Visit
Our 5th grade students are working hard on their book study for “Out of the Dust”.
Congratulation to Kameron Dunn and Tori Fuller for being our first students to return their 2nd box of chocolate for our World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser. These students will participate in the Kona Ice party for the 1st box and received a Glow Popper for the 2nd box! Way to go guys! Permission slips are still available for students that would like to participate. Go Cardinals!
Our World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser has officially begun! Chocolate was delivered to students today. Each student that returned a permission slip and took their first box received a lanyard and Glow Wally to proudly wear to school and when they are selling their chocolate. If your child has been absent this week or if you did not return a permission slip and would like to do so, please just let your teacher know and we can get you a box as well! Thank you so much for your support of our school.
Congratulations to Annalyn Stansell! She was the winner of the 5 pound World's Finest Chocolate bar from our drawing today. Chocolate will be delivered to students tomorrow. If you checked that you would like to pick up your child's box, you may come by the front office to do so. Also, if you need another permission slip we have plenty and would be happy to send one your way. We look forward to an amazing fund raiser. Thank you in advance for your support of Red Bud Elementary! Go Cardinals!
Thank you to our local police departments, school resource officers, & school safety staff who help keep our schools safe!
#GoCoSchools #LawEnforcementAppreciation#GETGCS
Welcome to a new semester and a new year! We are excited to see what 2022 has in store for our Gordon County Schools students, staff and community.
#GoCoSchools #GETGCS