Welcome Mr. Adcock!
Mr. Austin Adcock will be teaching Automotive Technologies in his first year at Gordon Central. He and Jennifer enjoy raising their 6-year-old son Julian. Mr. Adcock is a GC alumnus and is excited to be back and working with students and the CTAE department!
Welcome Mrs. Goncalves!
Mrs. Lunara Goncalves is joining our Foreign Language department in her first year at Gordon Central. She has a bachelor’s degree in Languages and Literature, a master’s degree in Linguistics, and a master’s degree in Romance Languages. Mrs. Goncalves was born and raised in Brazil and came to the US in 2014 as a Fulbright Scholar to teach Portuguese at the University of Georgia. She and her husband, Aron, have a three-year-old son named Lucas. Mrs. Goncalves is excited to share her love for languages!
Welcome Mr. Hartwell!
Mr. Ryan Hartwell will be teaching Economics and World History in his first year at Gordon Central, and he is also coaching for our Warrior wrestling team. Coach Hartwell is thrilled to get involved in athletics at GCHS, but he is equally excited about his love for history and using storytelling to connect with students. There’s nowhere else Coach Hartwell wants to be more than at Gordon Central this year, and he’s ready to join and be a big member of the Tribe!
Gordon Central 2022 Softball Schedule!
Gordon Central 2022 Volleyball schedule!
Gordon Central is excited for the return of our Competition Cheer Squad!
Gordon Central 2022 Cross Country Schedule!
Welcome Coach Bridges!
Mr. Emerson Bridges will be serving as our ISS paraprofessional. Coach Bridges served as the Backs Coach at Woodland High School. He was an assistant basketball coach and head track coach, with an emphasis on sprinters and horizontal jumps, for Cartersville High School. Coach Bridges will serve as the RB's coach for our football program and will be an assistant coach for our track program. Coach Bridges has been in education for 22 years and is excited to be at Gordon Central.
First day of the Warriors Youth Football Camp is underway. The future is looking bright and everyone is learning and having fun with the Tribe!
Student Check-out information!
Welcome Coach Plott!
Mr. Tony Plott is joining our athletic program as the new offensive coordinator of our Warrior football program. He is also joining our Physical Education Department. His leadership was instrumental as the head football coach of Woodland High School and has 25 years of experience in education. Mr. Plott is devoted to student accountability, creating relationships, and being community oriented. A reference described him as a “wonderful human being and exactly the type of person one would want working with his or her own children. He is committed to doing what’s best for his school, its students, and its staff.”
He is married to his wife of 22 years, Robin, and they have four children—Molly (20), Jonah (18), Isabelle (16), and Collins (6).
Welcome to the Tribe, Coach Plott!
Parking Pass information for 2022-2023!
Student Parking Agreement form:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=WsAN2ysHz0KrRIXzSqdrc2Fou5ulAN9PrMm2e_bYJKZUQ0JZQ1NZOUtGRU0wSTRHVU9GT0JOTTRRNS4u&fbclid=IwAR1VN7smnnUWSv2NJdLDGdRjYW3tMs5D-n5-jXkuEKNLlYl9wNkdI_gZNLU
Random Drug Testing form:
Upperclassmen schedule information!
Freshman drop-in/open house will be on August 2nd from 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Welcome Mrs. Kittle!
Mrs. Kelley Kittle will be teaching Healthcare Science in our CTAE Department. She joins us with over 11 years of medical experience as a Nurse, Medical Office Administrator, Certified Professional Medical Coder, and a Certified Risk Adjustment Coder. Mrs. Kittle and her husband, Kyle, have four children-Addison, Wyatt, Hadley, and Kyle. She enjoys playing golf, coaching her children in sports, and raising animals on her family farm. Mrs. Kittle also raises, rides, and trains barrel horses. Mrs. Kittle is excited to be teaching at Gordon Central!
Class of 2023 Senior Sunrise!
GCHS school supply list information!
First day of school is Thursday, August 4. We can't wait to see our Tribe!
Academic Calendar for the 2022-2023 school year!
Parking Pass information for 2022-2023!
Student Parking Agreement form:
Random Drug Testing form: