Sean Kilgore, Admissions Counselor at the Georgia Institute of Technology will be at Gordon Central at 8:00 am on Tuesday, September 27 to speak with students who are interested in attending Georgia Tech. Students who are interested need to see Mr. Wood in the Front Office to sign-up.
ATTENDANCE AWARENESS MONTH: Did you know? Missing 10% of school (more than 2 days a month) can make it harder to:
· Gain early reading and math skills
· Build relationships
· Develop good attendance habits
Help your child by ensuring he/she is at school every day and on time, sending notes when they must be absent due to illness, and supporting your child to develop good attendance habits!
#GoCoSchools #GETGCS #OneBIGFamily
Thank you to the Army National Guard for visiting with students today during lunch!
The College Board recently named 13 Gordon County Schools students as Advanced Placement (AP) Scholars.
The College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) Program provides motivated and academically prepared students with the opportunity to take rigorous college-level courses while still in high school. Students can earn college credit, advanced placement, or both for successful performance on the AP exams.
College Board recognizes three levels of achievement based on student performance and AP exams.
Five students qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction Award by earning an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. These students are Addison Baker, Isaac Campuzano, Catherine Hughes, Drew Luginbuhl, and Matthew Spence.
Three students qualified for the AP Scholar with Honor Award by earning an average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. These students are Yadira De Leon-Matute, Kayla Silvers, and Austin Tims.
Five students qualified for the AP Scholar Award by completing three or more AP Examinations, with grades of 3 or higher. The AP Scholars are Aranxa Campos, Nathan Clance, Breanna Manning, Priya Patel, and Ava Perez.
Pictured (from left to right): Nathan Clance, Catherine Hughes, Ava Perez, and Kayla Silvers.
Not Pictured, 2022 Graduates: Addison Baker, Aranxa Campos, Isaac Campuzano, Yadira De Leon-Matute, Drew Luginbuhl, Breanna Manning, Priya Patel, Matthew Spence, and Austin Tims.
Yearbooks are now $70 through September 16.
Meet the Agricultural Teacher and FFA Advisor Drop in Day!
Senior Spotlight!
Our theme for the 2022-2023 school year is #OneBIGFamily.
We asked Christina Cote, third grade teacher at W.L. Swain Elementary and the 2022-2023 Swain Teacher of the Year, what it means to be part of our One BIG Family:
“I am thankful that I am a part of Gordon County One Big Family because we are very supportive of one another. We encourage and support one another as teachers and in our classrooms. When there are needs in our classroom, whether it be curriculum or students, we can count on our coworkers and administrators to help. We want the best for each and every student and teacher. That is something that is very valuable in this field.
As an example, one year I had larger class sizes and needed to complete an assessment for every student. I asked for help in assisting in getting the assessments completed and administration asked other teachers to come help. The specials teachers and ELL teacher gave up time from their planning to come help me so I could the assessments. They had a great attitude too as I was very appreciative of their time and help. It was so great knowing that others would help when we needed it.”
#GoCoSchools #GETGCS
Senior picture retake information!
Senior parent meeting!
September is Attendance Awareness Month!
To celebrate school attendance, we will have a friendly competition among our schools. The school with the highest attendance percentage during the month of September will win an ice cream party. The school with highest attendance percentage on September 30th will receive an attendance trophy!
Help your child by ensuring he/she is at school every day and on time, sending notes when they must be absent due to illness, and supporting your child to develop good attendance habits!
#GoCoSchools #GETGCS #OneBIGFamily
HOSA Meeting!
FFA Chapter Meeting!
Volleyball this week!
Football this week!
Cross Country this week!
Happy Labor Day!
Gordon Central events for the week of Sept. 5-10!
Congratulations to our Varsity Lady Warriors Volleyball team on their big WIN on Thursday!
Our ladies played amazing, with a special shout out to Alexia Cuevas, Cheyenne Eubanks, Rosemary Nieves, Ashya James, Kinsley Caudill, Lindsey Contreras, Edna Campuzano, and Paula Gilmartin Gonzalo for their excellent play. the team went to 3 sets and won the final set 15-13!
It's time to Rock-N-Roll at the HOCO Dance!
Tickets are available at the door!