
Nutrition Staff

Nicole Head
Director of School Nutrition

(Elizabeth) Bizzy Thomas
Accounting Specialist, School Nutrition

Kim Franks
Operations Specialist, School Nutrition

Lisa McKinney
Communications and Compliance Specialist, School Nutrition

Wellness Program

Gordon County Schools is committed to providing a healthy school environment that protects and promotes wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education and regular physical activity.  Please see the documents below to learn more about our Wellness Policy and our annual Wellness Plan.

Parents, students, and community supporters are invited to participate in all aspects of our district Wellness Program.  For more information, please contact Lisa McKinney in the School Nutrition Office at 706-879-5011 or via email at

Flyer about Wellness Committee meeting

Smart Snacks

A primary component of our Wellness Program is awareness of healthy eating.  To help in this goal, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has established Smart Snacks Guidelines.  For more information on Smarts Snacks in schools, please see the following website and guide: 

USDA - A Guide to Smart Snacks in School 

We also have access to a Smart Snacks Calculator that allows you to enter information on a specific product to determine if it meets the Smart Snacks guidelines:

Smart Snacks Product Calculator