Business and Finance
Business & Finance Staff
Mendy Goble
Executive Director of Finance
706-629-7366 ext. 8142
Ambria Gravitt
706-629-7366 ext. 8110
Christi Gallman
Payroll Administrator
706-629-7366 ext. 8105
Belle Bone
Accounts Payable
706-629-7366 ext. 8115
Michelle Steward
Bids and Purchasing
706-629-7366 ext. 8109
School System Financial Information (HB 139)
As of November 1, the Department of Education has published its new financial data reporting tool as required by HB 139. The reporting system can be found at the following link:
HB 139 required the aggregation and publication of a variety of financial information for all school districts, such as revenue and expenditure data, capital construction costs, recent audits, and similar reports. All of the information on this site consists of data and other information which the Department already collects and in most cases published in some existing form, or which is collected and published by another department within state government such as the Department of Audits and Accounts. HB 139 required the centralization of this information into a single website, which is the purpose of this new reporting system.