Parking Information & Directions
Lot Opening Times
Parking lots will open for graduates and their guests at the times listed below:
Sonoraville High - 8:15 AM
Gordon Central High - 2:15 PM
Parking Availability
Due to limited availability - we encourage graduates and their guests to carpool as much as possible.
Parking Locations
Overflow parking will be available in the overflow lots listed below. Overflow parking will not open until all available spaces have been claimed in the main parking lot.
Main Parking Lot
Convention Center Parking
2211 Tony Ingle Parkway, Dalton, GA 30720
Overflow Parking Lots
Dalton State College
650 College Drive, Dalton, GA 30720
Should overflow parking need to be used - shuttles will be available to transfer patrons from the overflow lot to the Convention Center.

Dalton Convention Center & Parking
2211 Tony Ingle Parkway, Dalton, GA 30720
Dalton State College - Overflow Parking
650 College Drive, Dalton, GA 30720