Parent & Family Engagement

The Parent & Family Engagement program is crucial to each child throughout his or her school years. Gordon County Schools encourages parents, guardians, and families to be actively involved. When you are actively engaged in your child's education and well-informed about how to help your child achieve success, it positively affects your child's achievement.

Our school's Parent & Family Engagement Specialist helps to bridge the gap between home and school by assisting parents in understanding ways they can help their children with academics. If you have questions or need resources or information to be support your child's education, please reach out to your schools Parent & Family Engagement Specialist.

Vision Statement

The Family-School Partnership Program believes that parents, schools, families, and communities working together can create meaningful partnerships that ultimately lead to significant gains across the board in student achievement.

System Parent & Family Engagement Specialists

MEET OUR TEAM: The system Parent and Family Engagement team is proud to serve Gordon County students, families and staff members. If you have any questions, need resources, or information to best support your child's education, please reach out to the specialist for your student's school.

Jennifer Pulliam
District Family Engagement Specialist
Phone: 706-879-5186
Schools: Belwood Elementary School, Fairmount Elementary, Red Bud Middle School, & Sonoraville Elementary School

Connie VanHouten
District Family Engagement Specialist

Schools: Ashworth Middle School, Red Bud Elementary, Tolbert Elementary School, and W.L. Swain Elementary School

Parent & Family Engagement Information

Title I Schools - Empty Classroom full of desks

School-Parent Compact - Teacher smiling at her student

Parent & Family Engagement Policy: Picture of Students in a Group

Resource Center: Picture of books in a library

Newsletters: Picture of a newsletter open on a tablet

Other Important Documents: Picture of folders on a desk