English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Language Instruction Program

The ESOL Language Instruction Program is the state-funded language instruction educational program for eligible English learners (ELs) in Georgia public schools, Grades K-12. The ESOL Language Program was first established in 2002 by the Georgia General Assembly (State Board of Education Rule 160-4-5- .02). The purpose of the ESOL language program is to provide English language development instruction and language support services to identified K-12 English learners (ELs) in Georgia’s public-school systems for the purpose of increasing their English language proficiency and academic achievement.

The responsibility for educating the whole English learner child, both in language development and academic content, is shared by regular classroom teachers and English language specialist teachers alike. Classroom teachers, ESOL teachers and other support staff collaborate to determine instructional scaffolds and language-focused activities needed to make language and content as comprehensible as possible for ELs throughout the entire school day. As such, all teachers function as academic language teachers when EL students are enrolled in their classes.

ESOL language instruction is focused on developing EL students’ academic English proficiency in each content area of Georgia’s Standards of Excellence (GSE). The WIDA Consortium English Language Development (ELD) Standards Framework, 2020 Edition, resources aligned with the GSE guide the work of ESOL teachers. Differentiated instructional practices, both in ESOL and general education classes, ensure that the language development needs of Georgia’s EL students are met. In ESOL language programs it is appropriate, when practicable, to use the student’s home language as a means of providing limited English-proficient (LEP) parents with school-related information.

The goal of the ESOL language instruction educational program for EL students is to increase both English language proficiency (ELP) and academic language proficiency in content-area subject matter. Successful ESOL language programs focus on collaboration and shared accountability for the success of all EL students.