Business and Finance
Business & Finance Staff
Mendy Goble
Executive Director of Finance
706-629-7366 ext. 8142
Ambria Gravitt
706-629-7366 ext. 8110
Christi Gallman
Payroll Administrator
706-629-7366 ext. 8105
Belle Bone
Accounts Payable
706-629-7366 ext. 8115
Michelle Steward
Bids and Purchasing
706-629-7366 ext. 8109
Budget Information
According to Board policies, money and money management provide the foundational support for the whole school system. Therefore, the Board encourages planning through budgets to explore all practical and legal revenue sources, to guide expenditures to best achieve the greatest educational returns, to require maximum efficiency in accounting and reporting procedures and to maintain a level of per pupil expenditures needed to provide high quality education.
Budgets are prepared for and approved by the Board on an annual basis, consistent with the Gordon County Board of Education's fiscal year which runs July 1 - June 30.