Governor's Honors Program

What is the Governor's Honors Program?
The Georgia Governor’s Honors Program (GHP) is a residential summer program for skilled, knowledgeable, and talented high school sophomores and juniors. GHP offers instruction that is significantly different from the typical high school classroom and is designed to provide students with academic, cultural, and social enrichment necessary to become the next generation of global critical thinkers, innovators, and leaders.
GHP is held in mid-summer (mid-June to mid-July) as a residential educational experience on a college or university campus. Students attend classes in the mornings and afternoons in specific areas of study, and they participate in a wide variety of social and instructional opportunities every evening. Meals and rooms are provided by the program. The only required and expected costs to the students are: travel expenses to and from the semifinalist event and host campus; a few basic supplies for classes and dorm rooms; and spending money as desired during the program.
GHP Timeline
Gordon Central High School and Sonoraville High School will collect nominations in September and early October. This will require an application from the school, teacher recommendations, and a short-written response. School nominations are due to the district GHP Coordinator by the end of October. Nominees will be notified in early November. Students will then have to complete the online application, which opens mid-November, and attend a virtual information session.
2023-2024 Gordon County Schools Governor's Honors Program Nominees