After School Care

Mission Statement

The mission of the Gordon County Schools After School Program (ASP) is to strive to establish a safe and caring environment that allows for individual and social growth. Children engage in activities that encourage creativity, social relationships, appropriate behavior, and a positive self-image. Activities include study time, recreational activities, arts and crafts, and other enrichment activities. Snacks are provided, and as an extension of Gordon County elementary schools, are peanut free.

ASP Parent Information

To ensure each family has a working description of this year’s ASP program, all parents/legal guardians with students participating in ASP are required to read and sign for the ASP Student Handbook.

ASP Handbook: English


Any elementary-aged student attending a GCS elementary school is eligible to attend that school’s ASP.  Parents or legal guardians must register their child(ren) by completing the registration form (linked above).

Registration Information

Registration Information

  • To register a child for the After School Program, please visit

  • The following forms must be filled out and turned in to your student's teacher prior to their admittance into the After School Program: 

    • Online Registration 

    • Time to Behave! Discipline Contract

    • Updated medical information and Medical Release Form

    • Proof of accident insurance (highly encouraged)

    • Emergency contact person(s) other than parents


Credits for non-participation will be issued only if one of the following exceptions applies:

  1. The student is absent due to illness on a day pre-designated as an ASP day for the student

  2. The student is checked out by 11:00 a.m. due to illness

  3. School is closed/dismissed early due to inclement weather

Any student checked out of school early may not return to the school’s campus that day for the purpose of attending ASP.

Program Times

ASP begins at the time of the school’s dismissal and extends until 6:00 PM.

Fee Schedules, Payments and Refunds

Registration Fee:

There is a $25 registration fee that will be charged for the first child in a family to attend Gordon County Schools ASP.

If more than one child in a family will be attending the After School Program, the registration fee for each additional child will be $12.50.

A family with four or more children being registered for Gordon County Schools After School Program will pay no more than $50.00 for registration. 

Registration fees must be paid to Gordon County Schools each school year.


The daily cost for attendance for the first child in a family will be $5 per day. If more than one child in a family will be attending ASP, the cost of attendance will be $4, per each additional child, per day.

  • Late Fee:

A late fee of $1, per minute, per student, will be applied for children who are not picked-up by 6:00 p.m.

Outstanding balances may prevent students from being allowed into the After School Program and could be referred to small claims court for collection.

Activity Fees:

Additional costs may be required for special optional lessons, events, or activities to offset instructor of material expenses. Students will not be mandated to patriciate in these special sessions and will have access to all other activities in the After School Program during that time.

Payment Options:

We encourage all families to set up an online account for tracking student attendance, activities, and for making payments online via e-check or credit card.

Families may also pay onsite with cash or check.

For purposes of personal income tax credits, parents are responsible for retaining all receipts.

Student Pick-Up

Only persons approved and designated on the registration form will be allowed to sign out/pick up your child!