Welcome to the Ashworth Media Center!

Spark Something

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

Dr. Seuss  

   I Can Read with My Eyes Shut

Leigh-Ann Hunt

Leigh-Ann Hunt, Media Specialist

Phone: 706-879-5061

Email: leighannhunt@gcbe.org

Degrees and Certifications:

  • Master of Education in Media, West Georgia University

  • BA, Public Relations, Shorter College

This is my twentieth year in education and my fifteenth to serve as Ashworth's media specialist. I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations from Shorter College (now Shorter University) and a Master of Education degree in Media from the University of West Georgia. I am honored to have been named Media Specialist of the Year for Gordon County Schools in 2023 and 2017.

The Ashworth Media Center is an integral part of our school community, supporting the curriculum needs of students and teachers, guiding them to use information effectively, creatively, and responsibly. I curate relevant resources and provide support to students, teachers, staff and parents.

In my free time, I enjoy birdwatching, reading, singing, spending time with my family, watching Jeopardy and photographing cows on the family farm.

light bulb

What is a Media Specialist?

The school library media specialist is a teacher, an instructional partner, an informational specialist, and a school library media program administrator. School library media specialists directly affect student achievement by collaborating and planning with teachers, teaching information literacy, and providing supplemental curriculum material. The school library media specialist encourages reading for learning and pleasure.

Media Center Collection link

Search for Print Books in the AMS Media Center

Sora e-Book link

Check Out eBooks


Research GALILEO

Teacher Digital Resources link

Relevant Resources for Teachers

New Teacher Welcome Packet

New Teacher Welcome Packet

Tome Society link

Jr. Tome Reading Bowl

School Libraries Are Essential

librarian article link

Why School Libraries Matter

library article link

Strong School Libraries

library article link

School Libraries Work

Students Reach Greater Heights with School Librarians

Students Reach Greater Heights with School Librarians

Roles of the School Librarian: Empowering Student Learning & Success


Linking Librarians, Inquiry Learning and Information Literacy

school library impact

School Libraries & Student Achievement

theme song

Media Center Theme Song